Facilities & Activities – Junior Rifle Range

Our Junior Rifle Range program follows the NRA Marksmanship Qualification Course. This consists of Pro-Marksman, Marksman, Marksman- First Class, Sharpshooter, Sharpshooter bars 1-9, Expert, and Distinguished Expert qualifications. All shooters are trained in Prone, Sitting, Kneeling, and Off-Hand positions.

Parents must be present for consent forms. Requirements for the first night will be safety glasses, hearing protection, long pants, and hard soled shoes or boots. Firearms and safety orientation will begin at 6:30 P.M.

Please come and join us, and have some FUN.

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Range Notes

Welcome to the Junior Rifle Program's new Notes section. Each range Chairman will now have this section available to communicate one-shot range relevant information in a timely manner.